About Moises Aguilar, Esq.
Santa Ana Criminal Defense Attorney
Whether you were just arrested for the first time or you're a seasoned repeat-offender, the criminal system is complicated and intimidating. We know that everyone makes mistakes, and don't judge you for it. Unfortunately, you can't change the mistakes you've already made, but you can start taking steps NOW to ensure that every step you take moving forward minimizes or even eliminates the consequences of your mistakes.
Diligent Criminal Defense Representation in Santa Ana
Providing effective criminal defense representation requires more than just having legal knowledge. It requires creativity, persistence, dedication, and empathy. Should you choose to work with criminal defense attorney Moises Aguilar, you can trust that no rock will be left unturned, and that he will explore all reasonable options to ensure we secure the best possible outcome for your case.
Contact us today to discuss your case!