
Santa Ana Rape Defense Attorney

Defending Those Who Have Been Accused Of Rape in California

Having the right legal representation is crucial when facing serious legal allegations such as rape. At Moises Aguilar, Esq., our criminal defense attorneys are dedicated to providing a strong and strategic defense for individuals charged with rape in California. We recognize the complexity of these cases and are committed to protecting your rights and dignity throughout the legal process.

Call Moises Aguilar, Esq. today at (714) 408-1249 or contact us online to schedule a consultation with our rape defense lawyer in Santa Ana.

What is Rape?

Rape is a grave offense that involves non-consensual sexual intercourse or penetration. Under California law, rape is commonly defined as sexual intercourse with another person without their consent. Consent is a central factor in rape cases; it must be voluntary, informed, and given by an individual who can consent. Any sexual activity without valid consent may be considered rape.

Rape charges can arise from various circumstances involving acquaintances, partners, or strangers. It's important to understand that rape is not limited to physical force; it also encompasses instances where a person cannot consent due to intoxication, coercion, or incapacity.

What are the Penalties for Rape in California?

Rape convictions in California can result in severe legal consequences. The penalties vary depending on the case's specific details, including the use of force, the victim's age, and the defendant's criminal history. Generally, rape is classified as a felony offense, and the potential penalties may include:

  • Prison Time: Individuals convicted of rape may face substantial prison sentences, ranging from three years to life in prison. Certain factors, such as using a weapon or inflicting serious bodily harm, can lead to longer sentences.
  • Sex Offender Registration: A conviction for rape typically requires mandatory registration as a sex offender. This registration has significant long-term consequences, affecting where you can live, work, and your overall reputation.
  • Fines: The court may impose significant fines and other penalties, which can amount to thousands of dollars.
  • Probation: In some cases, a court might sentence an individual to probation instead of imprisonment. However, probation often comes with strict conditions and close supervision.

Defenses Against Rape Charges

Being accused of rape can be distressing, but it's important to remember that everyone has the right to a fair defense. Our Santa Ana rape defense lawyers are experienced in building strong defense strategies tailored to the unique circumstances of each case. Some common defenses against rape charges include:

  • Consent: If the sexual activity was consensual, our attorneys will work to demonstrate that both parties engaged willingly.
  • Mistaken Identity: In some cases, mistaken identity can lead to false accusations. We investigate thoroughly to establish the facts of the case.
  • Lack of Evidence: The prosecution must prove the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. If evidence is insufficient or unreliable, we challenge its credibility.
  • Coercion or Duress: If the defendant was under duress or facing threats that compelled them to engage in sexual activity, we can present this as a defense.
  • Alibi: Providing evidence that proves the defendant was not at the location of the alleged incident can be a strong defense strategy.

Contact Our Santa Ana Rape Defense Lawyer Today

Accusations of rape can have life-altering consequences, and securing the services of an experienced defense attorney is crucial. If you or a loved one is facing rape charges in Santa Ana, acting quickly and seeking legal representation is crucial. At Moises Aguilar, Esq., our Santa Ana rape defense attorney stands ready to protect your rights, craft a strong defense, and ensure a fair legal process.

Contact Moises Aguilar, Esq. today to get started on your defense with our Santa Ana rape defense attorney.

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